Marvin’s St. Patrick’s Day Dream

So today Marvin was eating Fiber One’s St. Patty’s Day edition fiber bar. I warned him about last year and how they messed with his stomach, but he would NOT listen. SO Marvin eats the fiber bar, falls asleep after trying to read a book, and goes through this whole nightmare he “described” with a leprechaun. To these leprechauns Marvin “explains,” fiber bars are worth more than gold. SO when Marvin steals this fiber bar, the leprechaun stalks him. Who will win?

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Marvin makes a poll

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Marvin’s Christmas

Here is Marvin’s first Christmas! He wants a porcelain Siamese cat, but will he get his Christmas wish? Watch to find out! Merry Christmas everyone!

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Marvin gets a fan page

So hey everyone! Marvin has a face book finally! Now I don’t have to worry about him having nervous break downs in public!
So just say hi to Marvin, become a fan because Marvin needs some attention from the outside world!!


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Marvin goes to a fair

Marvin + social interaction = BIG NO NO
Marvin doesn’t react quite well to the people around him. Sometimes they make his blood sugar rise and he has these nervous break downs!
Anyways, it was Halloween. I thought maybe since everyone is crazy on this holiday, then Marvin would fit right in. Who could tell the difference between a preemie baby dressed as a tiger/loaded with sugar, and a deranged hand puppet?

Anyways, I took Marvin to this party. Yes I seriously did, and you know what Marvin dressed up as? He bought
( I BOUGHT. Psh, like Marvin has money!)
a cat-sized jester hat and had these spasms all around the room! Too much excitement I guess.
As all of you know, Marvin is big on fiber. And there was no fiber what so ever at this party. I mean, your playing games and talking with friends; whose gonna go to the refreshment table and grab a fiber one bar?
Me: “Hey Jenna how’s it going?!”
Jenna: “Good good, so how’s life?”
Me: “Its al…wait hold that thought, this fiber one bar is going right through me!”

I guess Marvin would do that, he can’t talk so it doesn’t matter. Anyways, Marvin wanted dinner. There was no grass, fiber, cardboard, or books for him to eat. So I introduced Marvin the nachos! The fast food fiber of the future! Nacho chips consist of corn or some flour stuff, and that’s natural right?

Marvin DID NOT agree with my reasoning. He inhaled the chips, and sniffed the cheese. He grabbed a chip and threw it. That’s when it happened; Marvin had enough of this so-called fiber substitute. He grabbed a plastic fork and started stabbing me with it, then he brought out his cheese stick (which he hides somewhere..I don’t know so don’t ask) and he started whacking people in the head. *sniffle* a cheese stick can really hurt.

You all know Marvin disappears during his break downs. I usually end up finding him passed out on a bookshelf or just on the floor…
But NO, this time it was different! Marvin was entranced by a convict looking clown. And believe me, this was what the clown probably looks like 24/7. He could have at least shaved him 5 o’ clock shadow! Gosh..
Marvin started jabbing me with his cheese stick and pointed to the clown. He wanted a picture, I guessed. So the clown litterally says, ” I don’t know what your doing with that hand puppet!
I don’t know what your doing with that hand puppet!” He was totally ranting!
This is what the clown looked like; I don’t know who was more freaked out, the clown or me:
marvin clown

So next Halloween, remember; NEVER TAKE MARVIN TO A PARTY =D

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Marvin says HEY from vacation! He’ll be back tomorrow! kthanxbai! =D129_2942

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Marvin works out

So Marvin for some reason wanted to be strong. For what reason I have no idea. Ever since he ripped that door off its hinges just to get some grass, i’ve thought he was pretty strong.
But this wasn’t enough for Marvin, Marvin “said” he wanted more power. This kind of scared me, but you never know how Marvin might react…so here’s Marvin’s work out video!

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Marvin Disobeys

Recently, our neighbors had some grass put in their front yard. Marvin treats fresh plants as an all you can eat buffet. He is very serious about his fiber.

Anyways, when Marvin discovered this wonderful news, he tried anything to get out of the house and grab a few blades of grass. I soon had to lock the windows, and screen door:

Now, most of you probably know that Marvin isn’t potty trained..YET. Marvin “says” he’s “allergic” to toilets, so he uses the bushes. Marvin calls this recycling. He eats the plants and grass, and adds it back to the dirt. This is his idea of nature’s fertilizer. So Marvin hatches a plan. He decides to drink all the water he can, so that he can
“use the bathroom.” I knew something was up when I caught him drinking from the faucet:

Marvin knew that I would then have to release him outside so he can go. Marvin thought that since he drank so much water, that it would take forever to use the bushes, so this would give him extra time to steal some grass.
Well Marvin is stupid. His plan didn’t even work, he sometimes forgets that we have a backyard with a gate that can lock. Why would I let him use the front yard when we have a backyard?!

Marvin got desperate for some grass. For some reason, he figured out how to open the front door. I caught him stalking the front yard:
I dragged Marvin back inside. I was getting tired of chasing him around! SO I had my own idea; I would take grass from our yard and give it to him. Marvin would think it was grass from the neighbors! I grabbed some and gave it to Marvin. He smelled it, and threw it on the table. He stuck his eyeball next to it and analyzed the grass. I didn’t think he was that serious!
Marvin stared at me and exploded. He ran around the room throwing pillows everywhere. He picked up the grass and threw it on the ground. Marvin knew it wasn’t the real deal.
In his fit or rage Marvin ripped open the door and ran outside. He flung himself onto the neighbors grass and inhaled!

He ripped some grass out and ran inside. Marvin threw that grass into his special box and passed out on the table.

All that excitement must have tired him out! Well Marvin disobeyed, I hid his special box. I hope I survive another one of his tantrums…

to see more of Marvin visit:

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Marvin is angry

Marvin is angry that his new video won’t upload onto youtube. So now Marvin doesn’t feel like doing anything (even eating fiber) until his video works.

Which is hopefully tomorrow

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Marvin goes to the library

Most of you know that Marvin isn’t the smartest “person” in the world. His brain is very underdeveloped. But when Marvin started smelling books around my house, I got a hunch that he wanted to read; or…he needed some more fiber. I was betting on reading.

So, I took Marvin to the library. I know by now you would think, why would you release Marvin in a public area?! But hey, Marvin needs to socialize every couple of years. I can’t hide him forever!

We soon entered the library. The smell of all the cardboard and paper was overwhelming for Marvin. I never knew this until now, but Marvin sorts his fiber! Boring books that he chews on makes him sleepy like this:
Its very strange. Marvin’s brain takes in senses differently. Anything made from trees that is boring or exciting to us humans effects his nerves by the way he acts! So whenever Marvin needs to calm down, I can use pages from boring books to knock him out instead of a tranquilizer gun!!

Anyways, I lost Marvin around the library a couple of times. I saw him passed out on some shelves, hanging out with some stuffed animals he found, and my mom even found Marvin reading this! Shame on you Marvin.


Marvin can get really out of hand sometimes! I even saw him stuffing his little paw in the library’s store money. Who knew Marvin could cause so much destruction in a library. Of all places!
Finally after all the craziness Marvin found a book that satisfied his need for fiber and entertainment. I am proud to say that Marvin is now considering potty training! This means that I can save my allowance for things I want instead of buying diapers! Way to go Marvin.

To view more of Marvin’s adventure go to

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